St. Mother Teresa's Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2007. It works with vulnerable children from rural and urban disadvantaged communities in the most backward districts of Telangana state in India, particularly in Nagarkarnool district.

The goal of this foundation is to enable and empower individuals and communities to participate in their own development and to break the intergenerational cycles of marginalization they face by addressing the three interrelated intergenerational cycles of illiteracy, poor education and unemployment.

Main data.

  • NGO registered in 2007 under Section 32-A of the Registration Act of 1909, 13-119/21/B1, of India.
  • Director: Rev. Fr. Balashowreddy Jaddu.
  • Address: Om Nager Colony, Nagerkarnool - Dt, Pin 509209, Telangana state, India. Phone - +919391447097. Email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vision. To empower orphaned and disadvantaged children and youth through learning and development of skills to become well-integrated individuals in their careers and lives, and to improve their economic and social environment.

Mission. The right of marginalized children and youth to a dignified life with quality vocational education that will enable them to become agents of social transformation.


  • To provide basic primary, secondary and higher education to children and university education to young people, especially those from poor rural backgrounds, giving them an integral, scientific, professional and human formation.
  • To carry out a precise study of the situation of youth in order to propose to the political, social and religious authorities a series of well-defined proposals for their transformation.
  • To enable young people to become honest citizens, rooted in their culture, open to other cultures and capable of taking responsibility for the transformation of society.
  • To network with other institutions and universities for exchange and mutual enrichment.
  • Encourage leadership in various fields so that our young people can make a significant contribution to the progress of the nation and its peoples.
  • Accompany young people, in today's contexts, in their pilgrimage of faith, in questions of transcendence that give meaning to life.
  • To motivate society in general and the parents of children and young people in particular about the importance of education.
  • To help eradicate social evils such as dowry and caste systems and bring about positive social change.
  • To provide basic education to poor rural children and opportunities for young girls to become self-reliant through gainful employment.
  • To help school drop-outs, especially girls/women, to earn money for themselves and their families by increasing their self-esteem and self-reliance.

Beneficiaries. The Foundation Saint Mother Theresa has a preferential option for children and adolescents from the lower social classes, avoiding any elitism, not only in terms of its beneficiaries, but also in terms of the nature of its research and the development of its different services. Such an approach includes a number of options:

  • Facilitating access to school for children and to university for young people from the world of work and the lower social classes.
  • To orient research, teaching, study and cultural services to better understand the situation of young people, especially the most disadvantaged, and to promote their positive transformation.
  • To educate people to work for justice and for a more humane and caring society. To promote formation programs in society that have an impact on educational processes, as well as strategies and policies for youth.

Child Protection. St. Mother Teresa's Trust follows the Child Protection Policy prepared at the national level. Similarly, all street children's homes across India follow the YAR Child Protection Policy.

Accountability, Transparency and Reporting. The organization attaches great importance to accountability, transparency and regular reporting to donor agencies on the management of grants received, following standard accounting procedures and auditing of accounts.